Igreja de Sao Francisco / Sao Francisco Church
Add to Cart Add to Lightbox DownloadInterior da Igreja de Sao Francisco em Salvador. Interior - paredes, colunas, teto, capelas - revestidas de entalhes e douraduras, com floroes, frisos, arcos, volutas e figuras de anjos.Considerada uma das mais significativas expressoes do barroco no Brasil. / Sao Francisco Church inside, in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. The most important characteristic of the church is its exuberant inner decoration, mostly executed in the first half of the 18th century. All surfaces inside - walls, pillars, vaults and ceilings - are covered by golden sculptered gilt woodwork and paintings. The decoration of the church is considered one of the most complete and imposing in Portuguese-Brazilian Baroque gilt woodwork art (talha dourada), being a perfect example of the "golden church" (igreja dourada).
- Filename
- 53CD04_0138.jpg
- Copyright
- Cesar Duarte/Argosfoto
- Image Size
- 4288x2848 / 5.7MB
- www.argosfoto.com.br
- Contained in galleries