Buenos Aires
Add to Cart Add to Lightbox DownloadPuerto Madero eh um dos 48 bairros que legalmente divide a cidade de Buenos Aires, Argentina. A sua localizacao perto da area central da cidade, a extensao de sua area e vista para o rio, fazem deste um bairro dos mais exclusivos de Buenos Aires. Puente de la Mujer (Ponte da Mulher em portugurs) eh uma obra do arquiteto espanhol Santiago Calatrava situada no Dique 3 de Puerto Madero/ Puerto Madero, also known within the urban planning community as the Puerto Madero Waterfront, is a district of the Argentine capital at Buenos Aires CBD, occupying a significant portion of the Río de la Plata riverbank and representing the latest architectural trends in the city of Buenos Aires, capital and largest city of Argentina. The Puente de la Mujer (Spanish for "Woman's Bridge") is a footbridge in the Puerto Madero district of Buenos Aires, Argentina that spans dock 3.
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- 03d0111_2285.jpg
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- www.argosfoto.com.br
Argentina Buenos Aires Latin America OCCUPATION Ponte da Mulher Puente de la Mujer Puerto Madero Waterfront Rio de la Plata South America WORLD REGIONS & COUNTRIES Woman's Bridge architectural detail architectural engineer architecture argentina buenos aires building detalhe arquitetonico engineering people ponte de las mujeres porto madero puerto madero rio da Prata
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