Casa de Pedra / Rock House
Add to Cart Add to Lightbox DownloadBento Goncalves,RS,Brasil..Interior de casa de colono, regiao chamada de Caminho das pedras, roteiro turistico./ Interior of an italian colonist house, in the region called Path of the Rocks..foto © Anamaria Teles/Argosfoto
- Filename
- 007536.jpg
- Copyright
- Anamaria Teles/Argosfoto
- Image Size
- 2823x4333 / 7.9MB
vertical turismo lazer rio grande do sul serra gaucha bento goncalves casa pedra salame italiano tipica colono caminho das pedras retratos familia antepassados maquina costura antiguidade tourism leisure house rock sausage italian typical italian colonist italian colonist path of the rocks portraits family heritage sowing machine antiquity brasil brazil
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