Parque Ambiental encontro dos rios, Brazil
Add to Cart Add to Lightbox DownloadParque Ambiental encontro dos rios em Teresina, Piaui, Brasil/.Meeting of rivers Environmental Park, Teresina, Piaui, Brazil..O Cabeça de Cuia eh uma lenda que conta a historia do pescador Crispim que, ao matar sua mae, teria sido por ela amaldicoado a vagar entre os Rios Parnaiba e Poty com uma enorme cabeça disforme, e so seria desencantado apos devorar sete Marias virgens. De acordo com a lenda, ainda hoje o Cabeça de Cuia assusta os pescadores que pescam alem da necessidade nos rios./..The Cabeca de Cuia (gourd-shaped head) is a folklore tale which tells the history of Crispim, a fisherman who killed his own mother. Before her death, she cursed him to stray forever between Parnaiba and Poty Rivers like as a terrible monster with a gourd-shaped head, and the only way to break this enchantment would be if he could eat seven virgin women called Maria (Mary). People say he is still there, scaring fishermen that take fishes beyond their needs.
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- 60d0000_0012.jpg
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- Candido Neto/Argosfoto
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