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Obras no metro de SP / Works in the subway, SP
Add to Cart Add to Lightbox DownloadOperarios trabalham na construcao de saguoes subterraneos na estacao da Luz, linha azul do metro de Sao Paulo. A obra amplia o acesso ao embarque e interliga com a estacao de metro Tiradentes, os trens da CPTM, alem de facilitar o acesso a pontos turisticos da regiao. / Workers engaged in construction of underground halls at the station of Luz, blue line of the subway in Sao Paulo. The work extends access to boarding and interconnects with the subway station of Tiradentes, the trains of CPTM, as well as facilitate access to sights of the region..Foto © Fabio Salles/Argosfoto
- Filename
- 52D0204_0020.jpg
- Copyright
- Fabio Salles/Argosfoto
- Image Size
- 2048x3072 / 4.2MB
- www.casadaphoto.com.br
Brasil Brazil ESCAVACAO IMAGE/COLOR/STYLE/FORMAT Man PASSAGEM SUBTERRANEO South America Support TERRA WORLD REGIONS & COUNTRIES ampliacao caminho capacete concrete concreto construcao construction digging earth editorial engenharia environment enxada equipamento equipment escavadeira escavar excavation excavator expansion ferramentas helmet homem iluminacao artificial land light lighting luz machine maquina metro obra operario pa passage path por baixo sao paulo scenery shovel subway suporte tools trabalhador train trem tunel tunnel underground underneath uniform uniforme urban urban landscape urbanism urbanismo urbano vertical worker
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