Add to Cart Add to Lightbox DownloadPenedo, AL, Brasil. Abril/1998..Mercado de Frutas e verduras. Cidade historica nas margens do rio Sao Francisco.Vila Erguida por bandeirantes do século XVI sobre um rochedo (dai o nome Penedo, que significa grande rocha). Conjunto arquitetonico barroco, igrejas do século XVII, conventos, sobrados e outros monumentos artístico-culturais evocam a presença portuguesa, holandesa e das antigas missões religiosas. / Fruits and vegetables Market. Historical city at the edge of Sao Francisco River. Village built by Bandeirantes who were participants expeditions organized by the inhabitants allied with Indians to enslave other Indians, recapture runaway slaves, and mainly to find precious metals and stones..Through these expeditions, the Bandeirantes expanded Portuguese America from the small limits of the Tordesilhas Line to roughly the same territory as current Brazil. This expansion discovered mineral wealth that made the fortune of Portugal during the 17th and 18th centuries..Foto © Marcos Issa / Argosfoto.
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