Galo-da-serra / Guianian Cock-of-the-rock
Add to Cart Add to Lightbox DownloadO Galo da serra (Rupicola rupicola) eh uma ave passeriforme da familia dos cotingideos, que ocorre em regioes montanhosas e florestais do extremo Norte do Brasil, bem como nos paises limitrofes, apesar de estar ameacada por colecionadores de passaros de gaiolas. Tais aves chegam a medir ate 28 cm de comprimento, sendo os machos possuidores de exuberante plumagem alaranjada e uma proeminente crista que cobre o bico. As femeas, por sua vez, possuem plumagem marrom escura com crista menos evidente. Tambem sao conhecidos pelos nomes de galo da rocha e galoa do para. / ..The orange plumaged Guianan Cock of the rock, Rupicola rupicola is a stout-bodied passerine with an extraordinary half-moon crest, an orange-tipped black tail, black, orange and white wings and silky-orange filaments of the inner remiges. The less conspicious female is dark brownish-grey overall, has a yellow-tipped black bill and a smaller crest. It has a total length of approximately 30 centimeters (12 in) and weighs 200-220 grams (7-7½ oz).The Guianan Cock of the rock is distributed in the mountainous regions of Guyana, eastern Colombia, southern Venezuela, Suriname, French Guiana and northern Amazonian Brazil. The preferred habitat is humid forest near rocky outcrops.
- Filename
- 004403.jpg
- Copyright
- Marcos Issa/Argosfoto
- Image Size
- 2222x3332 / 3.8MB
- Contained in galleries