Add to Cart Add to Lightbox DownloadCultivo de eucaliptos para futuro plantio de florestas em area de reflorestamento. / Cultivation of eucalyptus for future planting of forests in area of reforestation. Sao Paulo, Brasil - 2007
- Filename
- 52d_080745.jpg
- Copyright
- Fabio Salles/Argosfoto
- Image Size
- 4368x2912 / 5.6MB
CATEGORIES Eucalipto Native Protection Reflorestamento agriculture agronomy ambiental ambiente arvore broto conservacao conservation convergent credit credito crescendo cut desenvolvimento development ecologia ecological ecologico ecology economia economy ecosavy environment environmental eucaliptus eucalypt eucalyptus folhas green growing high hrizontal issue leaf leaves life limb mudas nature natureza new novo pile plant planta protecao recuperacao reforestation rehabilitation responsabilidade responsibility sapling seedling soil spray sprout tree trees up vegetation verde vida water
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